Many final year school leavers choose to have a GAP year. Working in UK schools is popular due to the safe environment, dedicated work focus and the incentive of wage. UK schools are renowned for their education standards. Being a GAP, and member of school staff, is an accolade many search. Places are limited and competitive.

At Full Circle GAP Year we have first hand experience of managing GAPS, recruiting GAPS, and finding schools that have roles that play to their GAPS strengths and allow them to thrive, rather than survive.

Who Are We?

Richard Cullum

Richard has 14 years experience of working in independent boarding schools in the UK and abroad. He has first-hand experience of managing GAPS in his role as Head of Boarding at a premium boarding school in the south of England. Mentoring and guiding young people through their GAP year has become a central part of his role. Richard is an affable character with a passion for education, pastoral care and wellbeing. He has an ardor for those who choose to take the bold step to embark on a GAP year and work in a school. Richard believes parents are part of the GAP year journey and they need to feel slightly attached to their loved one as they complete their ‘full circle’. His infectious energy, meticulous planning and on facilitating GAP years for others is very evident. As a family man he is supported by his wife and two young children.

Kate Cullum

Kate has reached her half century in terms of schools experience. She is a talented Science teacher, mother of two children and ‘GAP mother’. Kate has worked in boarding schools and has seen the evolution of GAP students. Gone are the days of those who saw a GAP job as a vehicle to get closer to Europe. More care and attention from schools, prospective students and parents have made the GAP year more productive and meaningful. Kate is a dedicated mum and each year becomes a new ‘GAP mum’ to our new GAP students. A fresh faced, happy and welcoming character who enhances all the GAPS lives by ‘being there’ for each GAP.

Jack Harriss

Jack is the reason you have got this far! A talented tech guru who is dedicated, devoted and deadly with websites. He completed a GAP year at a boarding school in the south of England and joins the team as a tech guru, consultant and southern hemisphere representative. Wise to the ‘world of GAPS’ he brings a youthful enthusiasm and is a point of call for all FAQs. Jack is able to tell the story of his ‘full circle’.

Why Choose Us?

‘Full Circle GAP Year’
is run by professionals with first-hand experience of recruiting and working alongside GAP students.
The service offered is flexible, affordable and developed over years of experience and adapting to the constantly changing market.

Being based in the UK has one significant advantage. Once you arrive in the UK - we are here!

  • We have the ability meet and greet students and liaise directly with schools ‘in the field’
  • ‘UK based’ gives us the ability to react quickly, and even visit, should the need arise.
  • Ability to give first-hand feedback
  • Specialists - we know what schools are looking for from their GAPS
  • Network of schools in the UK
  • Social events held in UK at various times in the year

Starting your ‘full circle’

  • Preliminary International consultation sessions - online
  • Log-in capability and build your application
  • Interview and CV solutions to help increase chances on final interview and eventual placement


  • Aus and NZ based for further interviews
  • Meet with parents for further discussions
  • Flexible
  • Cost effective
  • Value for money



