
Don’t wait. The time will never be just right” - Mark Twain.

Being a GAP gives a sense of independence. Free from your education asphyxiation, grades, essays and deadlines freedom is bestowed upon you. Travel to Europe, and beyond, is a choice many consider an essential part of their year away.

The video is from a GAP who travelled and documented their adventures with their digital eye. It’s a snapshot where you can now become the editor to reach your ‘full circle’. Adventure presents itself all the time, and it depends what direction you have told it to take.


A typical day - GAP Coordinators often give GAPS generic timetables which don’t fully utilise their potential. Proactive schools tailor timetables to suit the GAPS they have. A varied and dynamic timetable with areas of responsibility allow GAPS to thrive and fully enjoy their time away.

Boarding schools are busy places and GAPS work hard on duty in boarding houses and at weekends. Work is fun and high expectations and standards are expected on a consistent basis.

Growth and time

  • Time to make an informed decision
  • Time to be independent
  • Develop you as a person
  • Reflect



